
Volunteer Have you ever asked yourself: What can I do to change the world? Start here, volunteer with us! Utilise your skills, tap into your passion, and deliver an impact […]

Energy Helpdesk

Energy Helpdesk The challenge There are warnings about higher energy prices. Rising gas prices mean higher energy bills. There are currently low-income households combined with higher energy bills. Energy helpdesk […]

Walk-in Consultation Hours

Consultation Hours During the walk-in consultation hours, Leiden Migrants Support Desk offers accessible service and assistance, where clients receive information and advice, are referred, or are guided. There are three […]

LSM: Migration in Academic Research

LSM: Migration in Academic Research The project ‘Migration in Academic Research’ offers space for scientific research into migration. By stimulating scientific research, LSM strives to narrow the gap between academia […]

Education bridge

Education bridge The Education Bridge project offers free tutoring and personal attention to younger migrants. We build a bridge between their school education in the country of origin and their […]


Projecten To achieve our mission and vision, we have set up various projects. We are active in the field of integration in the Netherlands and in academic research into migration […]

🤝About Us

About Us Together as a human family Who are we? Stichting Leids Steunloket Migranten (LSM) is a young, ambitious organization that offers support and assistance in the field of legislation, […]

Become a friend

Become a friend ‘Together as a human family’, this is how we see the world at Leids Support Desk for Migrants (LSM). With our work we connect people regardless of […]

🍴World Kitchen

Table of Contents Overview We are all under the same sky!Discover a world of change, connection and inclusivity. Celebrate the new trends in our multicultural society and diversity with us. […]