
To achieve our mission and vision, we have set up various projects. We are active in the field of integration in the Netherlands and in academic research into migration issues.

Project ‘Bridging Learning’

LSM offers young migrants help to cross the cultural gap by accompanying them in their learning process. We do this by building a bridge between the education system in their homeland and that in The Netherlands. Read More

LSM: Migratie in wetenschappelijk onderzoek

The project ‘Migration in Academic Research’ offers space for scientific research into migration. By stimulating scientific research, LSM strives to narrow the gap between academia and society, especially people with a migrant background. Read More


Are you a migrant and do you have legal or social problems? Are the letters from the government difficult to understand? Do you need help and guidance with your asylum procedure, housing, insurance, benefits or other administrative matters? The Leids Support Desk is here for you! During one of our consultation hours we can help you to find the right solution. Read More

Energie Helpdesk

There are warnings about higher energy prices. Rising gas prices mean higher energy bills. There are currently low-income households combined with higher energy bills.

Energy helpdesk migrants is an extension initiative of the walk-in clinic by the Leids Steunloket Migranten foundation. With this project, the LSM aims to reach and advise as many different groups and multilingual migrants in Leiden as possible. Read More