
Have you ever asked yourself: What can I do to change the world? Start here, volunteer with us! Utilise your skills, tap into your passion, and deliver an impact for Leiden and those in need.

Volunteering at LSM


Volunteering means spending some of your free time helping others. You may volunteer to help migrants with legal issues or to help children find their way in the Dutch school system. The possibilities are endless, and we believe that every individual, with their unique set of skills, can find a place at LSM. Help yourself by helping others: volunteering opens up your view on your own life in new ways, and even opens future academic/career paths for you, by filling you with experience. Volunteering with us will let you spend some time focusing on others for a moment, it is the most rewarding way to spend your free time.

Do you like what we do? Do you want to get active? Come join us to work together towards a human, peaceful view of immigration issues.

View our vacancies and help in your way.

Did you know that the LSM has ANBI status? If the volunteers meet certain conditions, you may deduct an amount as a normal donation. It is important whether you can receive compensation for the work you do. Read more information here: 



Would you like more information about our volunteer work? Please contact us at 06-85887463 or leidssteunloketmigranten@gmail.com